Cien Anos de Soledad OBrien


It's a well known fact that hot werewolves don't wear shirts, but unattractive ones do.

This great evil, where'd it come from?

Who would have thought that The Paul Reiser Show wouldn't be a hit?

Fortunately, Michael Caine can ejaculate on command. He is the consummate actor.

Cleveland gets steamed. And Carl? Well, my friend, Carl gets hot.

So just this and Steel Magnolias?

Nothing, as he is but a figment in the mind of the increasingly delusional Jon Arbuckle:

Starring TVDW as Lizardman Guard #2!

I was thinking more of Dan finding him implanted with a lizard parasite, enmeshed in a wall moaning, "kill…meeee…", Aliens style.

For the same reason that our irrational love for Community has had little effect on keeping it alive, unfortunately.

The Sondre Lerche was a nice touch.

Episode 1 was the worst, like you.

I think you are referring to one Esteban Espielberg.

You'll probably have to settle for George Lopez on a golf cart.

Almost Actors? Replicants? Turing Test failures? 

In the springtime, particles of Eugene Levy blow across the Yellow Sea, causing haze and choking the inhabitants of Korea with fine, particulate matter. 

Well, it's very nearly pizza, but it's not quite. It's Almost Pizza.

We have the technology!

Woman gets large fake breasts, then makes jokes about how everyone stares at her large fake breasts. INTERESTING.