Cien Anos de Soledad OBrien

I'm still hurt that I completely missed out on the 30,000 comments. How did I not know about that??

It's infuriating not to know which of my useless comments people haven't replied to. And to lose out on the elusive Parks/Community updates.

Everybody knows you never go full Mr. Peanut.

Maybe they've just finally decided to stop giving her speaking parts.

That's Scrotum Phillips to you!

I believe DILF is the term you are looking for.

To be fair, that sheep was actually a ram.

I'm gnot going to see this.

Admiral Ackbar!

It's going to take at least 3-4 hours before I am fit to stand up again.

You missed the opening 'cool'.

So good. I had to hold myself and weep quietly at my desk afterward … and then watch it again.

Yeah, I hope she doesn't pull a Britta.

Happy hour, T-minus 30 minutes!

An Argentinean in every pot and a sheep in every garage!

Isn't Greenland independent now? Give yourselves to Canada, rebellious Greenland dogs!

Unless that handy was given to you by Steve Winwood.

I just feel like I need to know where the other candidates stand on the MOON BASE before I make my decision. 

Why dick?

I opted for taco salad instead of a quesadilla. I feel like it was the right choice for me.