
Preach! PREACH!

This whole thing smacks of effort.

Love the video for Sick of Myself, when Matthew Sweet delivers the guitar to Richard Lloyd in his hospital bed so he can play the solo.

Hard to pick just one epic J. Mascis solo, but I'll go with the one from "We're Not Alone," just for the way it completely changes the dynamic of that song.

These puns are mediocre at best. They can easily be outshined.

The Dillinger, The Brat, Ol' Ironsides…

"Later, as they…*grow*…"

Chekov: Thank you, sir, but I need to report for duty now…
Kirk: And then there was this time when I made it with a green chick.

His "Sign of the Times" is a fiasco of a song. It's all over the place lyrically and musically. The whole song seems to take itself seriously in the same way "November Rain" did. I hate-listen to it whenever I can.

That's still pants-shittingly close, though

I always thought Howard got a bit of a bad rap considering he was willing to take the blame for Jimmy not being a partner. He's not the hero HHM wanted, but he's the one it deserved.

He's going to declare war because of that. He'll burn down everything — Kim, HHM, his own life — just to get back at Jimmy.

Would love to see Chuck going through his closet and pulling out a red satin jacket with "The Lone Wolf" across the back.

I am like a nerd, I only like what you say
if it's fairly arcane
if it's fairly arcane

"Haggis factory" seems like the kind of G-rated insult you'd hear in a Nickelodeon cartoon. I like it.


It's about as ironic as rain on your wedding day.

Maybe the soundtrack can feature the stars of today covering the hits of yesteryear!

White dudes love dildos.