Marci Kiser

As soon as I saw 'Written by B.J. Novak' I knew I was going to be disappointed. I shared MM's distaste for having him in the opening credits, but many of the weakest episodes from the Office's golden years came from Novak. 'The Fire'? 'Chair Model'? 'Boys and Girls'? This episode was nothing but recycled jokes. The

" (I always felt that Trini and Billy had a chemistry that was never explored because everyone always fawned over Kimberly.)"

Oh Brandon, I h8-u 4 making me luv-u th<————>is much. ;=P

Attention Internet, c/o Brandon:

Not really. Trans-species viruses are rare occurrences (this is why we make such a big deal about 'swine flu', etc.), and given that there are likely few/no mammalian analogues at this point in history, there's no reservoir from which to draw. Most of the diseases would be adapted to infect reptiles and amphibians.

I don't know that that makes any more sense, though. If the kid was terrified of being found out, then wouldn't he be doing his best impression of a normal human boy, and not drawing so much attention to how strange he is with the constant panic? Seems as if being terrified of every single thing and never crying is

Well, no, but in a universe where we're able to make rational distinctions, I think you can take the two RTD stories it was used in over a five-year-run and compare them to the two years in which we've already had, oh: "Eleventh Hour" (Prisoner Zero), "Time of Angels" (Weeping Angels), "Vampires of Venice", (Sexy fish

I'm still confused about this episode. George is an alien cuckoo who went all pantaphobic when he heard his parents talking about sending him away to get help… but his parents were talking about sending him away to get help because they felt overwhelmed by his sudden pantaphobia? And is this really the first time it

The River in 'Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon' *has* been in jail already, which means she's already killed the Doctor. Which means that she would remember being the child in the space suit and wouldn't act so confused by it, and certainly wouldn't be surprised when she sees the spacesuit kill the Doctor.

It seems like this episode is implying that, after killing the Doctor, River 'steals' the TARDIS. At least, the files in the Herman's Head robot seemed to think it was her vehicle.

The Doctor's reaction to the rival time travelers who were playing God was interesting. It serves as a nice riposte to Mel's accusations in school of his failing to stop all the bad things that ever happened.