
I am a history buff that was quickly bored by the tudors early on (there are many more interesting stories of English royalty!) But someone put Wolf Hall in my hand and said 'trust me'. I did and oh my its one of my all time favorite books. Second one was even better and I am so ready for the third one. Last

totally agree. Id read most of the discworld books except for the first three. Decided to try them; they were ok, definitely important to understand the world building, but certainly not ones to start with.

The first ones I read were Small Gods, Lords and Ladies, and Soul Music. Those three did a good job of introducing me to the world and the characters. BTW there is a website that helps you choose which discworld book to read: http://www.lspace.org/books…

I first heard of HHGG watching the BBC series on PBS when I was in college. Absolutely hooked, bought the books, passed them off to others and happily read them enough that I practically had them memorizd. I discovered Pratchett several years later. I thought they were quite funny, but I never thought they were

I discovered Pratchett when I happened upon a copy of Good Omen which was written by him and Neil Gaiman (another brilliant writer). The book got me looking for more Pratchett, but at the time the only other book I could find by him was Small Gods, which I loved. I so wanted to read more, but it wasn't until I went