
I loved how Aziz Ansari essentially created a little rom-com film within his television series.

I have read a lot about Only Ever, Yours, mainly its similarities to Handmaid's Tale. The concept sounds really interesting. I have been meaning to check it out.

I am jealous of your film options. Living in suburban Florida has me waiting weeks and weeks for most films.

I don't really read historical biographies but I am excited to read Chernow's book when it includes Miranda's notes about how he adapted it to Hamilton.

Congrats on your great marks! I have been looking into Media Studies/Communications graduate degrees and I plan to stay away from ones where a production course is involved.

I really wish that Flesh and Bone got better reviews. I love films/television/documentary about dance. I just find it do fascinating. Maybe I will finally watch Dance Academy or something.

Final Jeopardy is again way too easy.

Life Update: I have had the sinus infection from hell this week. I am behind in everything right now.

Hillary is on Kimmel? What an odd combination.

But who names their dog Sandwiches?

He looked so disappointed throughout that category. It made me feel a bit bad for him.

I just watched Emmanuelle Riva in one of her earlier films, Hiroshima Mon Amour. I have been meaning to see Amour but haven't got around to it. My grandmother passed away 6 months ago after an out of the nowhere stroke. I don't know if I am emotionally prepared to watch a movie with two old people.

I couldn't stop laughing whenever the Opera clues happened. Alex Trebek looked ridiculous in all of them.

Those two young boys broke my heart. I kept thinking about how young they were whenever they appeared.

I just did the depressing Wikipedia search. Willi Ninja passed in 2006 due to an AIDS-related heart attack, Pepper LeBeija passed in 2003 due to a heart attack and diabetes complications, Dorian Corey also passed due to AIDS complications in 2003 (but had the body of a guy in her basement? What you learn from

In college football news, Florida beat George 27-3! Florida played really well and Georgia wasn't up to it. We had such nice weather today. Downtown Jacksonville actually looked kind of pretty with the sunset.

Harrison Ford is starting that Star Wars press tour early. A bit too early really.

Thanks for the reminder. I caught up with the show when it came to America via Amazon Prime and I am excited to see where it goes. I don't really like Rob Delaney but in this role he is really great.

Well he adjusted his original comment so I think I am okay. I am not planning on 'escalating a flamewar' or anything like that. I have better things to do than point out sexist comments at the AV Club.

It is the AV Club I think I am okay.