Matt Martinez

I've been thinking what you wrote for years now. One of the things that irritated me a great deal about both Lynch's and Harrison's adaptations is that they cast someone who looks pretty unequivocally like he's in his 20s to play Paul. (In the opening page of the book, a character comments on Paul being small

Should read "smug blanket *dismissal*" as opposed to "disapproval."

It's been a few years since I read it, but I seem to remember that Baron Harkonnen raped young boys, not that he had consensual sex with adult males. (I don't really remember Feyd Rautha or Rabban having any same sex relations with adults or children.) I suppose the argument could be made that, back in the

Umm… uh… Your mom's predictable!

Poophat, I love how I offended you enough that you had to post a reply to my story.

Is Tom Jane a dick?
So I saw a panel about this movie about a year and a half ago at Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors convention, and it featured Tom Jane, Ron Perlman and Anna Walton. Perlman and Walton were very professional and, even thought they didn't seem overly enthusiastic about the movie, they still acted like

Re: Click, did anyone else wonder why he didn't just pause time whenever he had to work on a project by himself?

Mickey Mouse
I think Mickey Mouse and the World to Come sounds pretty amazing. At the same time, it also sounds a lot like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (which I rather enjoyed and which, in turn, ripped off a ton of comics, pulp stories, cartoons and movie serials). I'll probably check this out when the trade

Agreed, Senator_Corleone. I've always wished Somerset had had a little more time in the car to tear down his arguments. You could definitely tell he was getting to Doe.

I just recently rewatched both Se7en and Zodiac, and I think they both hold up incredibly well. Zodiac is especially brilliant. Serial killer films from the last fifteen years have tried to imitate Se7en (and, to an equal extent, Silence of the Lambs). Its director went on to make another serial killer film that

@Barnaby Jonesin,
The Predator was designed by Stan Winston Studios, not H.R. Giger. That's not to say that there may not have been any of his influence in the design, but Giger did not have any involvement in the film.

@Don Staples,
The tube is in the original Alien, too. You can see it during the scene where Kane is attacked by the facehugger. It goes by pretty quickly, though, so you have to go frame by frame.

The Rising Tide is one of my favorite albums of all time. In fact, it's the first album I ever heard from SDRE, and I worked my way backwards. I like Diary and LP2, but they don't affect me in the same way as the latter two albums (or even The Fire Theft).

It kinda looks like a steampunk rendering of Decker's gun in Blade Runner.

I don't have problems with monster hunts in general, but in the case of PSS, I just felt as though it suddenly turned into a different story halfway through. Many of the other plot threads felt as though they'd been more or less abandoned once the slake-moths entered the story. Some of them were tied up later but in a

Perdido Street Station

Oh, man, I remember Runaway! I remember thinking it was pretty awesome, to tell you the truth. I was probably 8 or so when I saw it, but it had a badass Tom Selleck, a badass Gene Simmons who used both poisonous robot spiders and a gun that shot heat-seeking bullets, and it had a shot with some boobs! (I later learned


@Dumbledore Calrissian,

Angel semi-SPOILERS,