Matt Martinez

@ Rannix,

Crap! I accidentally hit TAB before hitting Enter. Anyways…

More Season 6 SPOILERS



@ Rockrocky77,

Whenever I talk about why I didn't like Mulholland Drive, I bring up Lost Highway for contrast by pointing out that at least the latter had the decency to be completely incomprehensible all the way through instead of telling a compelling and cogent story for the first two-thirds before throwing everything in a blender

Oh, man, I'm reminded of one of the most cringe-inducing lines from season two of Angel where Gunn actually unironically says, "You best belie' dat!"

Oh, good lord yes. I really love how noirish the movie looks, with all its night-for-night shooting and high-contrast lighting. I suppose I should actually watch Tourneur's genuine film noir (Out of the Past) someday.


Night/Curse of the Demon homage?
I'm surprised that I haven't seen more people talking about this, but it seemed pretty obvious to me that Raimi took a lot of cues from the 1958 movie Night of the Demon (a.k.a. Curse of the Demon).

I'd say the Supergirl movie does bear some resemblance to Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.

I really like Isis, but when I listened to the song "Weight" on Oceanic, I started wondering what Isis would sound like if they had a female lead singer full-time. I think I might actually like them better that way.

Seabeast video
I just wanted to take this opportunity to point out that the video for Seabeast (from Leviathan) is one of the best I've ever seen. Seriously, check it out.

I'm incredibly surprised Metallica hasn't gone back and released a remixed version of Justice yet. I'd definitely pick it up. I'd like to hear what the bass guitar is supposed to sound like, because I'm sure it isn't just supposed to go, "WOOM-Woom-woom-oom."

Jude's "I Do"
Hmmm…. My ex was a big Jude fan. And she married someone else.

Wait, Alan Moore has actually seen the movie version of V for Vendetta? Or was that just his impression from reading the script? (Either way, I suppose it's an accurate assessment. No matter, I still rather like the movie.)

Core was better…
I always enjoyed Core more than Tiny Music… I understand that Tiny Music… was more experimental and musically diverse than either of their first two albums, but something about Core's sludgy darkness just always had more of an effect on me.

TheRealBrundleFly wrote:
"They did? I think you are wrong on both those counts. Neither of those films acknowledged the audience at all."

Honestly, I rather enjoyed Lennon's first album. Her stuff since has been hit-or-miss for me (with the exception of her Suicide Girls photo shoots; those were pretty awesome). One thing I can definitely say is that it's far better than anything Ono has ever done.