Matt Martinez

Aside from the double post, I didn't read closely enough. I thought this was the original comment that had been made talking about the "Lucas-ing" of the books.

Without spoiling, could you possibly let me know the degree to which he "Lucased" the books? I've read the first three already, but it was a long time ago, so I'll have to read them again. Will I find it a less satisfying experience this time around?

Without spoiling, could you possibly let me know the degree to which he "Lucased" the books? I've read the first three already, but it was a long time ago, so I'll have to read them again. Will I find it a less satisfying experience this time around?

Harlow wrote:
"Maybe you're right, Tomato Jones, and maybe I'm just fond of the image of Coulter getting plugged in the forehead."

"…until the calvary arrives"? I somehow don't think that being crucified is a much better option.

I'd say a lot of the flaws have to do with some cringe-inducing comic relief. I understand the makers' desire to include some, as it's a fairly grim film all the way through, but most of the humor they attempt just falls flat for me, especially the stuff that has to do with the Tumbler. "It's a black…tank,"—admittedly

I concur, danrimage, it was shit. And weird. Wasn't it based on a comic strip or something?

Would it have been better…
as an HBO TV series? Think about it; Kelly could have had the time necessary to develop the myriad plotlines so that they might have eventually made sense. Plus, he could have worked with other writers who could have helped to rein in some of his more bizarre ideas and even managed to

Richert's website
Has anyone gone to his website yet? There's no less than three different pages devoted to his charge of plagiarism against Aaron Sorkin for The American President and The West Wing. Without reading all the material he provides, it's hard to tell if he was actually ripped off or if he's just a raving

It's impossible for me to find her attractive now because she looks like a friend of mine from college. A male friend.