I got cold sweats. I was half convinced Walt would kill Hank.
I got cold sweats. I was half convinced Walt would kill Hank.
I love how Marie's drivel dissolved into white noise. Hopefully Hank can pull that trick off without having a panic attack.
I keep desperately rooting for Jesse to survive this but in BB world with its Old Testament morality, I know there's no way. Fuck.
I so want to get high with Skinny Pete and Badger now.
Walt's deadpan lying to Jesse made me inexplicably weepy. I'm so insanely wrapped up in this show.
And to think, I was there when two new gimmick accounts were birthed.
Or the best goddamn show that's ever been on television.
Yeah Bill shows up at the wake and all is forgiven. Armed with this knowledge, who do I know that needs a killing?
@avclub-0d5db791e260aff09b1844fbbf0b97d5:disqus : supposedly, if you feed them pumpkin, it doesn't taste so good coming out the other end. And meat tenderizer sprinkled on food.
@WelcomeShaqKotter:disqus : I think you just told me to eat my dog's shit (or maybe all that, plus he should then in turn eat mine), but I still kind of want to be friends.
I do wonder if that is why they insist on keeping Sam around, thus causing them to desperately flail about looking for a storyline. Sam's real family are shifter dog fighters. No? Sam has a hot shifter girlfriend who has no personality but looks spectacular naked. Nothing?
She was crying in the cemetary, so yeah, I presumed that was his grave. Why go cry where the grave will be?
I only care about half the characters on here, although Terry was one of them. The smoke monster story was shite, but I didn't hold that against him. I detached emotionally from this show years ago, however. The only death that might make me cry is Lafayette.
Shit, I already forgot Luna. And, he took care of Luna's daughter by handing her back to her backwoods mawmaw who allowed her to get kidnapped in the first place.
I prayed for Tara's death for several seasons. Then she vamped up and became unexpectedly entertaining.
You youngsters running around listening to your Kanye record albums don't appreciate the classics.
It's not as good as the first season, but it's earned back a substantial portion of my good will. Parts of the show are fun, and most story lines I'm actually enjoying. Anything else can easily be fast-forwarded through (Sorry, perennial story loser Sam and his waste of carbon girlfriend. Who apparently is pregnant…
I feel like I missed something about her. Why would she have a notion to make Jason hers in the first place? Have they met? If he's just food (which would be logical), why would she be into him?
My dog eats his own poop if I'm not fast enough to stop him (don't tell me about the feeding him pumpkin or whatever. Nothing works.) I often wonder how long he could live on that.
We'll all rapturously be watching Breaking Bad instead?