
Am I the only one who thought Waltz was trying to channel that Ferris Bueller  looking guy from Amadues to get the Oscar? also here is a picture of Tom Hulce: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

Am I the only one who thought Waltz was trying to channel that Ferris Bueller  looking guy from Amadues to get the Oscar? also here is a picture of Tom Hulce: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

be afraid, be very afraid

be afraid, be very afraid

Am I the only one who thinks Jason Lee looks way too much like Toshiro Mifune?
Also, can someone do an Americanized remake of Hidden Fortress already?
You know, but cooler with robots and shit.

Am I the only one who thinks Jason Lee looks way too much like Toshiro Mifune?
Also, can someone do an Americanized remake of Hidden Fortress already?
You know, but cooler with robots and shit.