
This smells like the work of a certain "Meathead" to me…

That was a moment where it kills me that they didn't go ahead and let the actors just say "fuck" and only to bleep on regular tv. Because when Shane hits him with, "How long do you think THAT will last?" it's so cutting. Vic is totally about to call him a motherfucker.

"This bitch has got you all twisted up!"
"Yeah, well I'm going home to that bitch who are you going home to?"

Your handle is definitely accurate.

I think the fact that Jesse's attempts to either give away his money and then literally throwing it away are pretty good tells that he wants to die now. He's been wasting away in his home for months with only his shit head friends to occasionally keep him company. He knows what Walt is about regarding Mike (he would


That WAS very Fring. If only he wasn't dying/facing certain doom, he could franchise A-1 and set up his own complaint department on the website.

I just figured Jimmy Carter rebuilt it in the interim.

I was thinking the same thing.

Also, he's just about the oldest guy left in the industrial metal world still standing. Sacha K. from KMFDM can be the godfather. Trent Reznor is Michael Corleone. Richard Patrick from Filter is Joey ZaZa.

I always thought of Al as a grandpa, really. Mostly because on the rambling track that closes out the Revolting Cocks album "Linger Fincken Good" the angry black guy refers to Al by other names such as Grandpa Jourgensen, and that Alien Sonofabitch.

Also Creighton Duke, the only guy who knew how to "kill" Jason Voorhees in Jason Goes to Hell. And State Trooper #1 in the Blues Brothers. And the lone black British SWAT member in American Werewolf in London.

It's a damn shame when folks be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that.

I think Shane goes to pretty horrific lows throughout the series. Places no one would have initially guessed he might have been capable of, so if push came to shove, yes, he would have raped that woman and had a good time doing it—if it served some Strike Team purpose. It was definitely in the threat stage here, but

I'm going to miss you very much, Mr. Rabin. You're my favorite critic and have made me aware of so many great and not-so-great-yet-highly-entertaining films. I will be on the lookout for all your future projects but the AV Club will be less fun without you. Good luck.

There's another reason Jeffery Jones isn't getting work besides the whole statutory rape thing—he's dead.

That cover of that song Locke and his men were singing was pretty METAL for Game of Thrones. I loved how it ended with the shock of Jamie losing a limb right into this little bad ass tune. I went from shocked to laughing in seconds.


I wept when Ellsworth died. They couldn't have handled that whole thing better.

I like it, too.