"Channing Tatum…loves…9/11."
"Channing Tatum…loves…9/11."
Say what?
That would be a "C plus" twist of cruel fate.
I can't say I want to hear any CUTS off this record.
A good sign you're an evil son of a bitch
When you motherfucking BODYGUARD gets a movie….
I accidentally stumbled onto Henry Fool, Lulu Under the Bridge, and Buffalo '66 back to back and Corrigan has at least a cool bit part in all of them. Cool guy. Great interview.
Antichrist was the worst film of the year. Any film that shows up close genital mutilation that severely scars me for life deserves AT LEAST a Razzie.
A good hatefuck is better than a cup of coffee.
Those all sucked.
Beat me to the post, Tasha. But after enduring the godawful commercials for the film the last half dozen trips to the theater (and I do mean commercials, that shitty set up show before the trailers is the fucking worst), I would have given this piece of shit a F on general principle. That broad just droning on and on…
I only remember Cousin Larry Appleton from Perfect Strangers making a cameo as a cop. It was a terrible show, but went to suck awful whenever they decided to sing at the end of the show.
Refreshing reality check yet again.
Getting even a foot in the door would be enough for me, but I don't even hold out hope for that. Still, good for the thought if I ever did get something in print. All that criticism and scrutiny makes me want to go under a pseudonym, though. I wonder if Richard Bachman had any…
Roy's pitch for "Nazi Superman Are Our Superiors" was definitely in questionable tase.
Antichrist should have been number one
Genital mutilation always puts me in a bad mood. Lars Von Trier can fucking die.
Travers is the lone hold out of credibility Rolling Stone has left simply for not being a line towing company man unlike the music critics. 4 or 5 stars to every motherfucking Yoko Ono record is a goddamn joke. Don't get me started on the overhyping of late period Radiohead or U2 records.
So is Stuntman Mike given any props?
He was Robert Urich's stunt driver.
Michael Jackson, guys. That vacant stare into oblivion was scarier than ten Nick Noltes and 20 James Browns put together.
I can't wait to see how the book ends. Only 4 more issues left. Maybe the end to Vaughan's comics career for awhile if he's doing the Hollywood thing. I'm just glad he's finishing Ex Machina and not letting that hack Joss Whedon continue it like with Runaways.
Whip It On is my favorite, but there are great songs on all their records.
Perhaps everyone else is merely a Toys R Us kid. No real age limit on that.