
Good stuff as usual, just wanted to point out that Season 3's title episode was "Point of No Return", not "Severed Dreams".

I never understood the criticism that their albums all sound the same, and it's especially nonsense when applied to Transference. Spoon has, back to the beginning of their career, been all about precision and control. Transference is wooly, hazy and jammy in a way that nothing else they've done has been. 'The

I'm with Todd on "shooting the shit" podcasts, and interview podcasts more generally. I've tried Comedy Bang Bang, Nerdist, WTF, This American Life and a bunch of others, and I just can't find anythign that draws me back to them

I love John Hodgman so much I'm even prepared to deal with that awful Jesse Thorn to get more Hodge.

"Of course cage matches work.  If they didn't, everybody would still be in the cage."

The "explaining the prophetic dream" scene may be the clunkiest, most akward scene in the entire series, and that's really saying something.

"Probably" for Aztek?  Do you not know about "Aztek, The Ultimate Man"?

Outside of Sleeping in Light, the Earth President's speech in ItB is, to me, the most emotionally affecting moment in all of B5.

MCLUSKY, motherfuckers!

That's my favourite line, too.

Long words…


Love is found in the east and the west
But when love is at home it's the best
Love is the cure for every evil
Love is the air that supports the eagle

My favourite episode has to be "Motherboy XXX". The run from that to the end of Season Two is rivalled only by the "Mr Plow-Marge vs The Monorail" rub from Simpsons season four as the best continuous series of episodes in TV comedy history.