
He's a coward with a heart full of fear.

Watterson is going to sue your thigh for copyright infringement.

That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me.

I'm glad people are finally thinking about the children.

won't someone please think of the children!?

Card is a mormon. But Ender's Game is good enough for me to overlook that. The other stuff he's written isn't any good. Speaker for the Dead was just awful and predictable.

I predict lots of rugged and deep down honest guys, staring through the bars of their prison, flashing back every 5 seconds.

bestest funniest post yet (on this thread)

Who is Sam Worthington?

@facebones : I totally agree with the more vamps request. Unfortunately it's only going to get worse next season. I pray to Dionysus the writers abandon the books and just cobble together bits from here and there to keep it focused on what it's supposed to: vampires.

Exactly right, Jaydn, just like the books describe. People lived short brutal lives back then. Lots of orphans. Also, they were shorter due to poor nutrition. The queen was turned when she was 15 (in the books) so she probably would have seemed younger than Godric and maybe even shorter.

It's not that there are no more great minds, it's that the Renaissance Man is a myth that was only somewhat plausible hundreds of years ago when mankind knew so little about everything that even simple knowledge made you an expert.