
Has anyone noticed the phrase "a tavola non si invecchia" on the wall of the restaurant where she is being blackmailed? "at the table (eating), one doesn't get old". Well played show

> Alvey convinces him to drop a weight class (to 145 lbs, a more than 20-pound loss)

First! Su ch a long wait and what a hollow visctory it is. I'm surprised there isn't more support of this show, I've found it pretty great.

Not only that, but her mother is probably coming back next week. What with the stiff competition she has this time around, nothing but a fluke can stop laura from winning on RI

I liked more"the entire history of you" and "be right back", as far as reflections on the way the "black mirrors" influence our lives, I think that more intimate works better.

I've watched the first 2/3 episodes of the firstseason and wasn't impressed. Is it worth to pick up again?

A tortoise or a "tortuga"? wink wink

On the TWOP they use Unsullied and Bookwalkers.

Donnie - I'm going for a Jog, I've been a lump
Alison - I feel like a weight has been lifted.. Not by you though, Donnie, not in a long time

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end UNTIL MY DEATH…