
The One Marginally Funny Moment From Dracula: D&LI
"Yes, we have Nosferatu! We have Nosferatu today! It just arrived in the mail!"

"Is it twue vhut zey say about how you people are - gifted…?"

Anybody Else Remember…
…The female hip hop duo from Seasons 2 & 3? Whatever happened to those two?

REM - Monster
I have tried and tried to use Tongue from that album in mixes, but can never make it stick.

From a mix called "Flirt"

Brubeck, Sure, But No Byrne?
Brubeck gets a pass, mostly on the merits of Time Out and a few random tracks afterward…

Maybe…but if what another poster mentioned earlier about the last webisode showing Jack's dad sending Vincent off to wake up Jack is true, that damn dog has been the cause of, or at least adjunct to a lot of events that have caused some consternation. Especially pre-Walt kidnapping.

Not So Much "Canis Ex Machina"…
As part of the conspiracy. I eagerly await the Vincent flashback episode.

While I agree that Allen has been lazy over the last 15 years, I think that DH is one of the exceptions to the rule. It's probably Allen's least affected performance in that time, and I felt the bile greatly served the humor.

Damn it, I meant Hughes' Forces of Nature, the Affleck/Bullock vehicle.

Didn't even know this was out…
…though, if ever there was a movie that redeems Tom Jane, it's Stander. Also redeems Bronwen Hughes, after Bounce.

JLA in The Works
I think both Greenies are included? Martian Manhunter?

I should look that up…Thanks, Ayn. Maybe there's a bootleg pilot somewhere.

AquaMan may be DC
But the Sub-Mariner ain't, and I'm dork enough to be excited by that prospect…tap into some of that Early 90s John Byrne stuff.

Hipsters v. Scenesters
I don't understand how the word "hipster" came to be such a negative, and find the usage of same as a slur to be pretty ludicrous. I guess I always associated all those negative attributes with "scenesters," which seems to be a bit more fitting. People hopping from scene to scene, pretending