
Does purple dialogue mean the lettering is done in the color purple, or does it mean something else?

principle skinner i need thome thoos

disastrous turn in the 1988 Olympics
Sounds like the funniest scene from The Royal Tebenbaums.

like something out of the past!

Dinosaurs = Jesus horses
I think they believe dinosaurs and man lived at the same time… and Beowulf is really a story about how some dude killed a T-Rex… but I might be wrong!

Location of Garden of Eden
I know this one… it's just down the road in Jackson County.

I know
They should create a reality show where people compete to see who would be the best to play the Hutchence character. And each time they eliminate one they can say, 'I'm sorry - you're just not right for our movie… Slide Away.'

K-Fed's rhymes are so potent, he just made all the ladies in the first row pregnant.

Video game sports
It sounds like an okay game… but I still say that sports like soccer make for much funner video games since there is constant action.

Too many mother uckers ucking with my *@#!
My commenting &%@#.

Is Knut in it?
If this film was just Leo playing with Knut I bet it would do pretty well.