
@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus He's got a role in David Fincher's upcoming Gone Girl and, if you're picking a film to make up for The Smurfs, then a David Fincher-directed one is a good place to start.

"Convoy? Michael, you're hanging around with a man who uses a collective term for a single vehicle."

Gaiman specifically said that it wasn't for the role of the Twelfth Doctor. My guess is that it would have been for Eleven (as it seems that Davies handpicked Tennant for the Tenth).

Doctor Memory, whilst I agree with your summary of series 1, the fact remains that it's still feeling the reverberations from how quickly Miracle Day plummeted past it, quality-wise. It really was just awful.

I agree with —- - I imagine it will be next to impossible to avoid spoilers on how it ends. You'd have to stay away from here for one thing, I can see plenty of non-Breaking Bad comment threads making reference to it. For a lot of people, how Breaking Bad ends will be the pop culture moment of 2013 and they will be

That Eleven felt concern that he'd turned into a girl upon his regeneration shows that The Doctor sees it as a possibility for himself, and perhaps one he's not totally in control of.

Yeah! I mean, what would we call it - Nurse Who? Pfft!

Rufus Hound is a fucking awful version of a comedian who is from that group who were deemed the class clown simply because they were the loudest and most obnoxious.

You forget "Oh, YES!" and gurning his lower teeth out when peeved.

In defence to something which you didn't actually raise as a bad thing and is thus a pointless defence, it's the official photo taken for the announcement. More neatening the article up than sexing it up.

Well done that man.

@avclub-f3165be83d2dd835403b494eb7185ce2:disqus  - a month and five days before transmission. So Hartnell still wins, even going down to that tie-breaker.

@avclub-912a96819c9a3f09a4217e7dbb4d3e74:disqus  - I'm sure Moffat wouldn't mind being the showrunner who presides over the 13th regeneration/solution though.

Even if there were no precedence, there's no reason why whichever aspect controls The Doctor's regenerated form can't just be having a lazy day and pick a form it's already met rather than create one. All you'd need is The Doctor to catch himself in the mirror, chide himself for the half-arsed choice and move on.

@avclub-f3165be83d2dd835403b494eb7185ce2:disqus  - don't worry, I remember those complaints as well. Some were from my own mouth. I'd hated The Runaway Bride and found Tate to be nothing but irritating in her sketch show guise. But I was proven very wrong. I could never have guessed when it was announced that the fate

They have gays on it now and everything!

As someone mentioned in another thread - The Fucker.

Exactly- remember Smith's Doctor yelling at Eye-Patch Lady that "The child is NOT A WEAPON!"

Children of Earth was excellent (although it faltered a little in the final episode) and a huge surprise. The first two series were both iffy (though have some defenders) but it's Torchwood: Miracle Day that we all rightfully loath.

"Clara, ready my horse - I ride for Skaro."