Yes, we *must* catch that man, he really is a shit.
Yes, we *must* catch that man, he really is a shit.
Same here - and I stumbled across it by accident so had no idea what was about to happen. I'd seen a couple of Brass Eye repeats before so was just happy to turn on the TV when a new episode was about to start. But the impact was amazing.
Yup, in the UK we've had a few posters (Shoot 'Em Up springs to mind, there have been others) where the art has had to be adjusted or cropped so that the gun isn't pointing straight at the viewer. There are still plenty that do feature that pose though so it seems a very arbitrary rule - just depends how complainy a…
Actually, you're right and I should have made that clear. I only agree to the point of preferring Monsters University. I thought both were fun films.The "vastly" is part of the personalized-snobbery of the reporting that doesn't sit right with me.
"That puts the sequel on pace to not only outgross Pixar's vastly superior Monsters University"
@avclub-cd1db6bdaab0f94ac28022bf20b6d1a6:disqus - agreed, the Nights in White Satin opener was one of my favourite uses of music in cinema last year, just evoked a certain mood and tone perfectly. It's a shame the rest of the film couldn't match it (Green aside) but nor was it anywhere near as bad as the internet…
At the very least those who remember him as the funny one from Horrible Bosses would be a bit more inclined to see it. I agree with everyone else - Day and Perlman have the best human scenes in this film.
It's a good fun movie but the man does not have an ear for dialogue and, as the review suggests, there are cliches a-plenty in the roles. Most are lifted by the performances - Day, Perlman and Elba especially - but put with an actor like Humman whose awful one-tone accent work doesn't help, and the flaws are obvious.
The fact that, out of the three big fights, the first two were set in the rain at night was annoying. It looks cool for a while and then you just start to wish there was more light and less obstructions to be able to see the giant robot fight the giant monster. The glimpes of the Kaiju and jaegers in daylight (such as…
The A.V. Club
I like it better than snatch, actually
You can get much worse. It was called Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and it took any of the fun of the first film (little though there may have been) and replaced it with robot testicle jokes, racist humour and robot heaven/Shia as the robot messiah (or something).
A well-timed question! Grazer told interviewers yesterday that they're in talks with Netflix to do another season of it.…
Agreed. I am so excited to read that piece. Would love The A.V. Club to delve into Morris' work properly (a TV Club Classic of The Day Today/Brass Eye/Nathan Barley would only take 10 weeks with two episodes per piece) but this is a very good start.
Agreed. I mean, if it was announced I'd start counting the days and being excited as shit for it, blocking out all doubts and naysayers but, logically, you're right.
An A for me too (also after two viewings) - and agreed all round with what you say. It's the terrifying plausibility of it all that makes it work, the snowballing effect of how accusations turn to assumptions turn to given truth is horrible to watch but easy to believe as realistic in a situation like that. It's what…
@persia2:disqus - Connery has admitted he didn't understand the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen script either, but took the part as he regretted missing out on Lord of the Rings for that reason. No wonder he gave up on acting after all of that.
Not quite true - he turned LOTR down back in 1999 because he couldn't understand the script. LOEG wasn't until 2003 so we can't even credit it with that.
Come September there'll be no more "about 20 years ago" when it comes to The X-Files. It'll simply be "20 years ago".
Ring Reboot - viral Youtube video followed by the watcher being haunted with #sevendays.
I was thrown enough this morning when my girlfriend woke me up to tell me what time it was (I was running late). I have no idea how my brain would react to being woken from sleep with this. Full system shutdown I imagine.