Very well preserved for mid-50s. Also, making him too old makes his crush on Emma a bit icky.
Very well preserved for mid-50s. Also, making him too old makes his crush on Emma a bit icky.
How old was he supposed to be though? Dougray Scott is 47 which - if we take is age to be the characters - would have placed him as being 18 when the war ended. And I don't think we can imagine the character to be much older than Scott considering how good Scott looks for his age.
It's the show my fiancee watches when I'm out so I'd never taken any notice of her but yes, she is rather fetching.
"I'd take issue with it if it wasn't so damn cool" sums up what I thought of the TARDIS motorway chase scene in The Runaway Bride. Stupid? Yes. Pointless? Probably. Cool to see? Yes, and the sole highlight of that special.
So a bit like Vincent and the Doctor then? Although the monster stuff wasn't bad and the rest of the episode was so unbelievably strong that it didn't matter anyway- it just stood out as not really necessary. And the ending still slays me.
I don't know if you can argue for series 3 being the apex being as it doesn't get great until episode 7 (42). Before then it varies from good (Gridlock), alright (Smith and Jones), not good (Shakespeare Code, The Lazarus Experiment) and awful (Daleks In Manahattan/Evolution of the Daleks). The final episode drags it…
Completely agree about Waters of Mars. When it aired I loved the dark ending for pissing on Ten's bombast, especially knowing the end was just around the corner for Ten, but it really does fall apart when you think about it. She needs to die for the timeline to carry on - so take her somewhere else. Vanish her from…
Televionsy it may be but boy oh boy have the production values shot up in Smith's run. The cinematography now can be wonderfully filmic and stood out tonight, not only in the golden autumn glow of the house but the discoloured mist of the forest.
He also wrote The Reichenbach Fall for Sherlock which was a cracking episode (and not just because of the ending). so I have my fingers crossed that he's a 50/50 guy and we're about to see the second part of the good fifty.
I think it's a lock for BBC America considering they're on a Who high at the moment (and that it's timed for the anniversary).
I love how that photo seems to be used by the Tet to sell their relationship to them, convincing them of a history. It's never established (as far as I remember) that the Tet makes them believe they are together but I would assume it's the case, given the Tet's control of the situation. That it went to the trouble of…
Agreed, she was fantastic in such a small and confined role. Same with Riseborough - the twitches in their facades from both during their one-on-ones were a highlight of the film for me.
Not to mention that a lot of what Jack took to be radioactive zones were nothing of the sort, merely a tactic used to keep the various Jack and Victorias from discovering each other so it's unclear how much of Earth's devastation (at least its nuclear devastation) was exaggerated.
The film itself may have merely been ejoyable fluff but watching Tron: Legacy in IMAX was like having your eyballs and earholes massaged for two hours.
I believe it goes "I'll be here always while the rain falls in Wales…"
This really hasn't been their day, their week, their month or even their year.
The Massagonyst was the best joke of the episode for me. Technically that meant the show went downhill a couple of seconds after it started but that's more to do with how much of a sucker I am for a good pun (it was still a decent episode).
She'd already met the Queen of Years though - the TARDIS wouldn't open when Clara was trying to take the Queen inside.
Agreed, which is why I'm thrilled with the choice and design of the enemy for the 50th. Which I won't spoil in case people are actively avoiding that sort of thing but it's been announced by the BBC and whatnot rather than sneakily spoiled so it's easy to find.
You want him to be… explicit?