As subplots go it's more interesting than the poetry writing of the original. And tied into the main plot a lot neater too.
As subplots go it's more interesting than the poetry writing of the original. And tied into the main plot a lot neater too.
World War II. Epic scope, better villain, bigger set-pieces.
They don't allow you to have bees in here.
I'm certain that the movie was set up under Fox Searchlight a good few years ago. Obviously it never got made or even fully green-lit (blue-lit?) but I remember the movie moving past the "'Yeah, maybe one day, we'd love to' polite comments from the cast" stage to the "it's now got a studio and is officially a thing"…
Arrested Development coming back is confusing. The network saying it's going away and us living on vague notions and comments that it might return one day is the calming status quo.
There's always money in the banana stand.
Just play the (beep)ing note.
It's been confirmed - I think in an interview with the head of Netflix - that yes, House of Cards will be eligible for Emmy nominations. I don't have the link but it's been discussed in one of the other HoC threads.
Glagnar's Human Rinds.
Same here. I always imagined it would taste like a carbonated version of undiluted Slush Puppy mix and didn't want to take the diabetic risk.
Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!
"Like Fry! Like Fry!"
Agreed - that shot, strolling through the smoke with the screams all around him, seemed a great sign that he's falling into the comic's version of the character. And I think the build-up to that has been worthwhile.
To be fair to Pixar they're not doing that one - it's the same Disney animation branch that does their cheap DTV sequels.
Leonard Maltin chooses Gremlins 2 for his cinematic immortality. Maltin wins.
I see your point but, with House of Cards being all up there, all the time, I can see how word of mouth could help it become bigger too. People are still going to mention it to their friends if they like it and, unlike broadcast TV, those friends have the option of checking it out whenever they want, with no need to…
I finished episode 10 last night, The plan was to stop at 9 but the ending for that was too good not to carry on.
I agree, and I found a lot of that with Community in season 3. I liked it plenty but a lot of it seemed to be written in reaction to the bits that got quoted, referenced or GIFed most by fans.
Ah. Well then. Please disregard my previous sticking-up-for-them post.