
Half-mast is too high. Show some damn respect.

It probably deserved one for it's first season, definitely deserved one for its second. I can understand it missing out this year, not only did it feel more insular than previous years but its ambition was bigger than its reach for me. The season-long story line didn't quite work and a lot of the darkness and emotion

It probably deserved one for it's first season, definitely deserved one for its second. I can understand it missing out this year, not only did it feel more insular than previous years but its ambition was bigger than its reach for me. The season-long story line didn't quite work and a lot of the darkness and emotion

Agreed. Skyler gets a lot of flack but Anna Gunn does sterling work. The coaching scene that you mentioned ("hold onto your hats because it's a doozy"), her bargainings with Eyebrows, her scenes with Ted (including the ditzy slapper routine) and the panic of Crawl Space are all stand-out moments in a season full of

Agreed. Skyler gets a lot of flack but Anna Gunn does sterling work. The coaching scene that you mentioned ("hold onto your hats because it's a doozy"), her bargainings with Eyebrows, her scenes with Ted (including the ditzy slapper routine) and the panic of Crawl Space are all stand-out moments in a season full of



A batload of bread.

A batload of bread.

He has such a small role on the show but his whispered-and-polite "It's been declined!" explanation - whilst keeping that smile on his face - is a great line delivery.

He has such a small role on the show but his whispered-and-polite "It's been declined!" explanation - whilst keeping that smile on his face - is a great line delivery.

Fuck off, Love Actually!

Fuck off, Love Actually!

I've used Lucille's "…that BITCH!" shout so many times in real life.

I've used Lucille's "…that BITCH!" shout so many times in real life.

"not everyone is entitled to their own opinion- everyone is entitled to their own INFORMED opinion"

"not everyone is entitled to their own opinion- everyone is entitled to their own INFORMED opinion"

Come on @avclub-3bca94e353e508c1a49bf984fc5c346d:disqus , we all know they'll skip straight to WALL-3. It rhymes *and* they get to just flip the logo's 'E' around!

Come on @avclub-3bca94e353e508c1a49bf984fc5c346d:disqus , we all know they'll skip straight to WALL-3. It rhymes *and* they get to just flip the logo's 'E' around!

Thanks, @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus . Not for the compliment but for getting En Vogue in my head.