
That's a shame. I know it doesn't make any difference in the show's continuity but half of the joy of reading these reviews has been the coverage of the show's development and the factors that contributed, so having In The Loop covered between the specials and series 3 makes sense. Still, I'm not complaining - these

That's a shame. I know it doesn't make any difference in the show's continuity but half of the joy of reading these reviews has been the coverage of the show's development and the factors that contributed, so having In The Loop covered between the specials and series 3 makes sense. Still, I'm not complaining - these

Is it really? I watched series 3 a couple of weeks ago as well - for the third time - and it never occurred to me that he's not in it.

Is it really? I watched series 3 a couple of weeks ago as well - for the third time - and it never occurred to me that he's not in it.

"That's not funny. That's not funny at all" is the line I quote the most from the film and I'm constantly let down by the lack of recognition it gets.

"That's not funny. That's not funny at all" is the line I quote the most from the film and I'm constantly let down by the lack of recognition it gets.

Concurred 1000% about the use of widescreen in that film. Here in the UK we had a theatrical release of the new remastered version a couple of weeks ago - watching it on a huge screen, drinking in every detail of the frame, seeing how expansive it was… Absolutely incredible. There are certain films that must be seen

Concurred 1000% about the use of widescreen in that film. Here in the UK we had a theatrical release of the new remastered version a couple of weeks ago - watching it on a huge screen, drinking in every detail of the frame, seeing how expansive it was… Absolutely incredible. There are certain films that must be seen

"The old reacharound…"

"The old reacharound…"

Before I read the books I'd heard that Kristen Bell was pushing to get this role. It's a shame she didn't but that doesn't take away from my brain picturing her as this character when I read the books which made for some brilliant images.

Before I read the books I'd heard that Kristen Bell was pushing to get this role. It's a shame she didn't but that doesn't take away from my brain picturing her as this character when I read the books which made for some brilliant images.

Watch it. The whole film, not just that scene. It will break your heart but it's worth it. And, at the risk of repeating myself from further up the comments, there's a scene later on that will choke you up in a good way, so it all evens out.

Watch it. The whole film, not just that scene. It will break your heart but it's worth it. And, at the risk of repeating myself from further up the comments, there's a scene later on that will choke you up in a good way, so it all evens out.

There's no way I can click play on it. I love the film and will watch it and be torn apart by it as part of the whole (and then put back together later on with the adventure book scene) but I can't put myself through it outside of the film.

There's no way I can click play on it. I love the film and will watch it and be torn apart by it as part of the whole (and then put back together later on with the adventure book scene) but I can't put myself through it outside of the film.

Not for me thanks, I've just had lunch.

Not for me thanks, I've just had lunch.

"At the very least, it suggests continental Europe has been watching a very different “Golden Age of TV” from the rest of us."

"At the very least, it suggests continental Europe has been watching a very different “Golden Age of TV” from the rest of us."