Onomatopoeia Glossolalia


i expect this wizbang idea to last about as long as the game show where prizes fell off a building if the contestants didn't answer questions in time. there was a conveyor belt and/or a crane involved if i am not mistaken

a sample in a jar
double rainbow?

hey i see theres a long line here whats goin on. where is horsefellow in this talk about gimmick posters. its pure gold. or was. oh am i late?

Go directly to facepunch. Do not pass Go.
also correlation does not imply causation and such

we all say witty things from time to time. except for the posters who "own", that gets old.

circle of life ftw

these memes are people!!!

@Dr.Robuttnik: jeez enough about the imdb

your original post was full of vitrol.

you see, every town has an El Guapo, and for this town its El Guapo.

drew barrymore
was great in ET

*bulging neckvein freakout rant*

ahhhh, cthulhu

may we all remain cautiously opimistic?

blow me first

Isnt a "tink" a derogatory term? like a twank or a shemp or something? what am i thinking of? tranny? something

this cant be good
tinkerbell was a classy lady

may we all bask in the sublime glow of your wordplay. no need to be kraken jokes about that!

i took a plane,
i took a train.
ah who cares