One From the Stands

Everyone on DEXTER except Dex and Deb are fuck-all useless.

Everyone on DEXTER except Dex and Deb are fuck-all useless.

Still Kings of the Cup.

Still Kings of the Cup.

Juha is very much unlike anything Kaurismaki has ever done too. I'd suggest that one as well.

I'm really excited to see this and I haven't heard anything negative about it until now. That said, I can totally understand the criticism of the tired repetition of Kaurismaki. Regardless, as someone who has seen quite a bit of Kaurismaki (and even a couple of his brother Mika's films) I'm hopeful this will be

I think it's obvious they aren't using auto-tune.

Advanced Historical Science
I imagined it was Professor Professorson lecturing Olivia about the whole Sam Weiss history and got an extra giggle from that.

I was. It was even funnier if you read them in his voice in your head. Hysterical.

I would say yes, look at NASL, but that would be incorrect and I'd like to give MLS more credit than that.

G4 is like MLS. Under appreciated, beloved by few, and trying hard to be as popular as its big brothers.

Sympathy for Lady Predator
Harold and Predator go to White Castle (Try to picture that one)
Predator in the Water
Predator Jam
Predator Boy

Making inanimate objects kill people is a tired concept.

Bullet in the brain pan, squish.

Holy shit… that's spot on.

The episode that really defines "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" for me is "Charlie Gets Crippled." Charlie and Frank are off following through on Charlie's terrible idea, Dennis and Dee are competing for their own dead mother's material possessions, Dennis and Mac come up with a shady plan to get women (which Dee

Yes, that's probably my favourite "Community" episode too. That or the pilot or "Spanish 101". I'd have to go with the Halloween episode, though.