This Machine Kills Facebook

Best scene of the episode:
Harrison: "Hi Aunt Deb I learned how to rite my name."
Deb: "Hey, that's great."

When it came to cashing in on the tragic death of a child, only Clapton bested him.

Hm. Aging sitcom dad gets mistaken for James Bond by starstruck teenyboppers, and you think he was embarrassed by this? Not sure I agree with ya 100% percent on your police work there, Lou.

That Armen guy was dreadful.

Except Welles's overlapping dialog was tightly scripted and timed so that the words would weave together in a very deliberate way, whereas Altman would let his actors improvise while he would control the direction and volume of the microphones in order to capture a sort of impressionistic sound collage.

This doesn't really seem to be working for you. Probably best to start fresh with a new account.

It's pretty obvious to me that reviewers are often skimming through these episodes, listening unattentatively, or skipping them altogether. Then it's simply a matter of dashing off a couple of vague sentences about how "this week's episode never quite got off the ground", submitting it to "The Rest",

So, all you want is life beyond Under The Dome?

Himself is great, but I was always partial to Inside the Mind of Bill Cosby, which contains the classic bits The Invention of Basketball, Froofie the Dog, and Slow Class, which never failed to make my dad howl with laughter when we listened to the cassette on long road trips.

My favorite part is the bulky, non-flat screen TV in the room with Hottie #2. I remember how awesome it was when I landed one of those behemoths. I played the shit out of Super Mario 64 on that thing.

"Murder Police" was originally called "Badge Patrol", but the stupid network idiots didn't want a show about high tech badges that shoot laser beams.

That's Mussolini, ya idiot!

And yet djf881's post is so much more entertaining to read than your dull variation on "Hurr, looks like *somebody's* got too much time on his hands, hurr, hurr."

And yet djf881's post is so much more entertaining to read than your dull variation on "Hurr, looks like *somebody's* got too much time on his hands, hurr, hurr."