Mister Mot

Fuck Nemesis. This is the ending TNG deserved, in my opinion. So I told Larry David when I guest-starred on Curb Your Enthusiasm. He acted like he didn't care, but I could tell he was totally on my side.

Ah, Frame Of Mind
I did not appear either of these episodes. Berman and I were sort of on the outs by this time, which was my fault. He made one too many jokes about the Blue Man Group and I kind of lost it and made a crack about how the show had starting going downhill ever since Roddenberry died. Might have even

Starship Mine: A Dissenting View
I don't mind saying that I'm still bitter about this episode. Originally, the idea was that it was going to be Mot's first big storyline. Like, I'm this barber who all of a sudden gets caught in the middle of this hijacking plot, I don't know what's going on, I have no idea how to fix