
My favorite is Homer's photographic recollection of the town hall meeting. "Legalized gambling is a bad idea. You can build a casino over my dead body."

Lisa Gets An A and Bart the Mother are the only good season ten episodes.

The Clash should have stopped before Cut the Crap.

I had a similar experience with NOFX's earlier, shittier album "Liberal Animation."

The fact that you call making love "pop pop" tells me you're not ready.

"Stay Free" is as good or better than anything on the debut and about half of London Calling. I think I'm the only one who feels this way.

Bollocks is about half great, half filler. But the great stuff is so great you forget about the rest.

"Calamity Song" especially. Sounds like a Life's Rich Pageant b-side.

Whenever I see the stars and stripes, I'll always be reminded of that wonderful word: flag.

I've always interpreted this episode as being deeply cynical about the government. The unanimous voting down of a pay increase especially seems like the writers rolling their eyes at the very idea of the system working.

Jiminy Jillickers!

They told me that the classics never go out of style, but they do. They do.

There's another great failure to find a moral at the end of Rosebud.

Radio Bart is basically a perfect episode. I love Colonel Homer a lot too.

I was part of the vocal contingent. I think I listened to Hazards of Love twice before I was bored with it.

Quit yer daydreamin', melonhead!

The Museum of Barnyard Oddities sounded cooler. I'm with Bart.

The review "Play Enjoyed By ALL" speaks for itself.

Remember when he ate my goldfish and you lied and said I never had goldfish? Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?

At least he stole Zombieland even if he didn't star in it.