
I realize that I'm resurrecting a 2 year old thread, but I believe that this merits a response.

Ah, now this is a perfectly valid criticism and one I found myself wondering about as well. While a medical student would have a reasonably good grasp of English, it's highly unlikely he'd use it around his friends.

Disagree on Homeland chickening out. They've had no reservations with subtitled Urdu or Arabic in the past.

Red bean buns are not overly sweet, pillowy soft and delicious when made properly.

Now in Detroit. It's a decision that on some days feel wise and farsighted and completely idiotic on others.

Providence resident?

As someone who finds Mad Men a show that helps plumb the insides of himself, I'm glad to see others who feel the same way. It prompts introspection like nothing else on television.

It's a concession to the reality of national and international distribution that I'm willing to make.

Cyber cafes. Little hole in the wall places where you take of your shoes, use an aging Windows PC and hope the trojans don't send your passwords to anyplace that would find it useful.

There would likely have been some pretty high def images of him on the internet thanks to his television interviews.

Louis CK is the only other showrunner that comes to mind. His casting seems to fully embody the meaning of the word colorblind via the women who play his daughters' mother in Louie

I'd completely forgotten about it till you brought it up here. Outlander is truly special and few shows this year have been as well made as it has.

A Detroit AVClubber! It's not just me.

Caught this episode a few days late, so I'm glad someone did the AI nerd thing in the comments section.

No kidding. That accent, plus age, plus rank reads wealthy upbringing with lots of time spent in British boarding schools.

I'd like to raise the sole notable exception that is Shane Carruth and his two beautiful films but I also do agree with you.

Or maybe, he looked like a tired dad buried under layers of practical clothing with baby strapped to his chest instead of his usual bicep displaying t-shirt.

This is a Hannibal reference, correct? Can't remember the specific episode where this would have been said or I'd dig it up myself.

Completely off topic, but I think you would appreciate this.

Thinking about it, the show is a perfect fit for FX. Imagine it sliding into the same rosters as The Bridge, Justified, The Americans and Louie.