
Can we wait for the last 8 episodes of Mad Men to air before we make that proclamation?

The video is helping their cause, but he criticized the public response to it. Hence the intimidation so that he doesn't go around saying "what we did is just as bad".

I would usually join you in the snarking, but the UK version is nothing like Heroes at all. It's a completely different breed of show. The direction and cinematography is on par with Broadchurch and Hannibal.

If you've watched the most recent season of Hannibal and remember the episode where a person got sewn alive to dead bodies and ripped off chunks of his body to get free and think that was a 10:

I had no idea series 2 of Utopia was out. Thanks for the reminder. Now to go and watch all of it.

I'm really looking forward to catching up with Rev this fall.

Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr and Keegan Michael Key.


Token South Asian immigrant raises hand.

Damien, as someone who wouldn't have gone off to research Yes Minister just to understand the comment thanks for the synopsis.

I am one year old to this thread, but I'm really pleased with my ability to recognize what each censored text refers to.

Untrue, and done by a ten year old no less:

Ah, completely agree with all of this. The final point especially. Statistical results are influenced by so many different things that it's hard to claim with any amount of certain that surveys with subjective questions are sufficiently bias free.

This is the AVClub. If Mad Men isn't one of the two, I'd be very surprised.

Okay, what are blue laws?

Honestly I was expecting to pull one out of a closet when we saw her unable to sleep back in her bedroom. Would have made me an even bigger Peggy fan that I already am.

It's infuriating. We have literally gone through 2 and a half seasons of anger and pain to get to this moment. Lack of patience is not something the Mad Men writing team can be accused of.

Could you explain why that's sad? On the software end of the spectrum it makes a lot of sense to actually test the hypothesis that marketing teams come up with and make adjustments accordingly.

I finally watched Pacific Rim and it was glorious.

Given Mads' extensive fight choreography training it was likely just him with the leg sweep. Which makes it all the more impressive.