
Was Tenenbaums the first Anderson you watched by any chance? I've found that casual fans like myself tend to rank the movie that introduces them to Anderson as their favorite. You're a more avid consumer of film though so I'm curious to see if it's the same for you.

It seems to be at 1 or 2 on most people's lists. Definitely checking that one out next.

As someone who was introduced to Anderson's work through Moonrise Kingdom and loved it, I'm really looking forward to catching this one in theatres soon.

Went back to double check. Its around 4:30 in to the episode.

Actually we find out Augie is Cuban in the pilot. in one of the first scenes with him and Frank, Franks says something along the lines of having a Cubano boyfriend.

Is that really all he has?

No, but I just put it on. Looking at the track list, this should be pretty interesting.

This may have been the final push I needed to just get tickets to see them in DC next month.

Ah, a fellow former member of the Woodrow Wilson Debate Council. I was pretty active till the end of sophomore year and actually am roommates with the current vice president. We were incidentally also just discussing our reactions to the pilot for The Returned when I saw your reply.

Haha. I'm about to start final semester as a biomedical engineering undergrad there next week.

No, you should go see The Wolf of Wall Street, because that film is unbelievably fun.


You guys.

My roommate and I were looking up per episode salaries for the people on The Americans and Hannibal to compare how much people make in broadcast vs cable since they both had debut seasons in 2013.

Every so often Google will do something that's vaguely "Life. Better." and I get sad that Better off Ted isn't around to make fun of that anymore.

Even us heavier guys are better off with the close cuts that are available today. I remember how I used to look in baggy clothes. I'm sincerely hoping we never go back to that.

I feel your lack of properly fitting pants pain. I seem to have larger thighs than most of the male population in America so I basically have to tailor everything below the knee or I else I got gobs of fabric flapping around my ankles.

@eric827:disqus @disqus_jeTusCb3OY:disqus

I'd argue that the pants are even't high-waisted. They're just worn at natural waist level. It just seems high-waisted because we all wear low-rise pants now.

I tried watching About Elly after A Separation but it just didn't grab me in the first few minutes like A Separation did. I might have to give it another go soon.