
It has nothing to do with the fact he's gay. He actually tries to accuse them that it's about intolerance but really it's about the fact that he royally messed up in adhering to his job description and let people into Jordan's apartment. Money was stolen, etc.

I'm taking a class on the depiction of Caesar, Cleopatra and Spartacus in popular culture next semester so this would be perfect. I would totally mine Todd's reviews for essay ideas.

Totally agree on how scummy it was for Don to continue lying to her.

For me it was when he came to Sally's bedroom and tried to tell her that he was actually comforting Linda Cardellini and not having sex with her.

I'm disappointed it isn't higher.

I had never thought of Portishead covering a James Bond theme, but the thought of it makes me very pleased at the prospect.

1. Breaking Bad - "Ozymandias"

A Separation is among my favorite movies of all time, so needless to say I'm quite excited for this.

I just wanted you to know that your comment made me cackle and draw a concerned look for my roommate.

My collection is entirely digitized. It used to be rather haphazard before, but the new Finder in OS X allows tags, so I made a .csv file of actors, directors, release dates, criterion collection or not, and then wrote a script to tag all of the folders with pertinent information.


In retrospect, I definitely agree but the teenaged version of me who thought he was a hardcore engineering type with no care for anything that I've now come to love and this site talks about would have hated the idea.

I'm so happy to see the Gladwell shut down in this thread. He's a pseudoscientist of the worst order and I find most of this work deeply troubling, not for the arguments he makes but rather his attitude that suggests they are backed by rigorously collected data.

Ah, I took the A Levels too so I know exactly what you're talking about.

I agree completely.

I save articles I want to return to later, mostly longform but sometimes end of year lists like these, in a service called Pocket:

I'm reluctant to comment on the drugs because all of what I know is first hand so I'll only confirm the most obvious which is that like any college population there is a significant subset that consumes illegal substances and that said substances are procured from the kind of people you saw standing on street corners

Saunders makes me want to be a better writer. He's the only person whose works make me want to put down the book and start typing.

Yay Baltimore music scene! Future Islands at Ottobar was the first live show I ever went to. I broke my glasses. It was great.

As a Hopkins student with unreserved love for the Wire, I would have loved to have seen that happen.