
I'm a Retrograde person myself, but I understand the appeal of Overgrown

To me it's no contest. MBDTF is an album that stands head and shoulders over Yeezus.

Daft Punk's music has always felt overstuffed to me.

Gosh yes.

I've held off on AHS so far.
I think I'm going to change that now. The prospect of missing a campy Lance Reddick is too much for to bear.

Khakis. An off white shade would be good. Red slacks would be too much with a deep red blazer.

You are quickly over taking reposteda7x fan as my favorite commenter of this type.

I'm not going to lie.


I just voted for James Blake's Overgrown in the poll. Probably my most conflicted decision today.

Damn. And it doesn't even have Rectify on it. This has been a great year for television.

I haven't watched this specific movie, but I have exactly the same problem as you when it comes to movies with ridiculous amounts of shaky cam. The most egregious recent offender that comes to mind is the first installment of the Hunger Games. I found myself wishing I could reach through the screen, grab the


The two hours thing was probably the time necessary for other power plants in the area to get their excess generation capacity to come online and route it to Sleepy Hollow as opposed to repair of the blown up plant.

This is true. Everything about the new design screams mobile first responsive web design.

So, a lot of research suggests that optimal line length for reading is about 2.3x the alphabet. Anything past that and it takes more effort from the user to track back to the beginning of the next line.

Given how efficient JS engines in modern browsers have gotten, the progress bar's hit on peformance is pretty much negligible.

I did. I was strongly in favor of something like this and made a number of comments regarding the AVClub's lack of responsiveness and dated web page design.

I've been surprised to realize that Alicia Florrick has become increasingly unknowable in a show that's presumably about a fairly established character, while Don is someone we understand more thoroughly after spending a great deal of time with him.

Ah, that's fair.