
Well, I love the atmosphere of the first hour or so of the movie. The plot of the movie is great, but far too often think it snatches attention away from the visual beauty that the movie has.

Oh yeah. I got my problem set friends to meet a couple of hours early one weekend so we could watch this after dealing with homework. It was great.

Recursion and infinite permutation are different from butterfly effect though. The butterfly effect assumes a fixed point in the past with permutations all following from that fixed point.

I loved it. It was less convoluted in terms of timeline and a much more emotional movie. It and Primer are two of my favorite movies.

Whoa. I'm all in favor for less demonization of the sex trade so that the people involved in it actually get treated as human beings, but this was a side effect I was not expecting.

Reviving a long dead comment thread because I just caught this on Netflix. As someone who grew up in Bangladesh, that segment was incredibly hard to watch.

The problem is that hacking isn't an innate talent. It's like playing an instrument. There are many prodigies who play exceptionally well, but that only means you're better than the average person. Being the very best will still require years of practice and experience.

It's interesting that people think that law enforcement should have access to some of the best talent in the world given that recent revelations about the NSA are actually driving some of the best computer engineers away from the organization.

Beat me to it by a minute.

I love that this is the default expectation from Arsenal fans. It's a good kind of cautious optimism to have when watching football.

You should back Arsenal!


It's been a rough few years hasn't it? Of course I somehow managed to start following them right as the team began to fall apart and oil barons entered the Premier League but that makes this resurgence all the better.

Thought I'd throw this comment in to see if there're any other Premier League fans around.

I have 20 credits of mostly biomedical engineering classes, my own startup, freelance development contracts and I still watch close to 20 hours of TV a week.

If the police got a whiff of this, the kid would immediately go on a sex offender registry and then spend a pretty big chunk of his life on jail. I'm surprised he even fought back against Zack.

I'm a college student, so I think I fall on the young end of the TV viewership spectrum. Unfortunately my efforts to evangelize this show among friends who I watch other shows with: Mad Men, Hannibal, The Americans, Justified, etc. have failed.

Which I believe is exactly what the writer's had intended. So, good job Elementary writing team!

Hey, now that's actually kind of true. I watched a few games after finishing FNL before realizing what I really wanted was the small town atmosphere and the gaudy spectacle of the NFL was off-putting.

I was too, and I thought that was fantastic. It was incredibly jarring to see him return to a home in Westchester with a wife and kids and spoke to how thoroughly they had already established Don's character.