
With regards to waiting till the show is over, I think that the show is going to attract a lot of attention as the final season approaches, prompting a lot of viewers to catch up via Netflix/DVD. It'd be good to have reviews of season one around for those people.

No, that was my favorite thing about this episode.
The most Fringey show since Fringe now has Walter. This is great.

Arrigato, heyyyy.

Fortunately (or unfortunately rather because as a biomedical engineer I would love to have a natural enzyme that chews through plastic), pepsin only acts on proteins and not on the inorganic polymers that make up soda bottles.


I might just have to make this.

And this is why smart people should stay away from investment banking. The culture is so frustrating.

Given how Disqus operates this unlikely. Their goal is to standardize the commenting infrastructure across the web, so an AVClub specific modification is unlikely.

When I discovered it was a Coen brothers movie I was suddenly very disappointed for not having watched it already.

I rewatched the Breaking Bad one a fair bit.
Because Betsy Brandt is unbelievably cute.

I think this week's episode may have been a return form though. Hopefully they'll be able to keep this up.

Let's also take a moment to acknowledge the "porn" that Nick was watching on his first day in college. In true early internet era style, it's a single image loading very slowly.

Cary got burned pretty hard for his idealism in season one. He worked unbelievably hard in his first year at LG, generated more billable hours for the firm than Alicia and got fired for his efforts.

If Diane and Kurt were any younger the decision would be past the point of plausibility for me, but they're at an age where I think they know exactly what they want from a partner and they both provide that to each other and are mature enough individuals that they can agree to disagree on certain issues.

I've received a similar one quite a few times from my mother in my childhood. I was very pleased that Alicia reacted in the only appropriate fashion - turn and run because what follows is going to be really unpleasant.

I'm almost tearing up from just reading this and remembering how good that episode was.

WUT. I had no idea.

Ugh, yes. That is irksome. On one hand, I agree that having him be a magical tech wizard makes no sense but as a computer security person myself I've definitely seen cases where large corporations had problems that a well read teenager could solve so I don't know exactly where I fall on this issue.

Does the University of Chicago not exist in the universe of The Good Wife? They seem to rely on DePaul and Northwestern as the go to examples of college campuses in the region, but if you were going make a comment on college admissions selectivity Chicago would be a good school to pick.

This episode all Zach did was pull up a website he'd come across before. That's hardly computer genius territory and more internet savvy teenager land.