
The fact that it is an "important show" and is so widely adored here on the AVClub is why I've been meaning to watch the show to begin with.

Count me into the group of people who isn't at all enamored at all with season one of Buffy and therefore hasn't gone to watch the rest of the show.

I just finished watching the pilot.

Sleepy Hollow sounds like a must watch for me. I need something to fill the Peter/Olivia/Walter shaped hole in my life.

I've heard a decent amount about Whedon's shows needing time to find their feet so I'm holding off on judging the show just yet.

I'm in the hunt for a new sitcom for me to fall in love with and then constantly worry about its cancellation. Brooklyn Nine-Nine seems like it could be a good candidate but as someone who was born and raised in Queens I'm reluctant to touch anything made in/from/about Brooklyn.

I've managed to miss all of the recent pilots. What's worth diving into? Masters of Sex has some nice things going for it - not the least of which is the meta commentary of exploring the taboo of sex on a medium that historically has had very stringent regulation regarding the depiction of sex but beyond that I'm lost.

@avclub-1f5b519cde67ac0d0fcab419aa3048a4:disqus I can't help but agree. While I have a great deal of faith in the quality of this community and its judgmet, it's been my experience in most internet forums that as soon as you allow embedded images the quality of the forum drops sharply because easily digestible images

For whatever reason it looks like the people handling the dramas are somewhat more competent that the guy handling comedy. They did a great job with Hannibal in getting Bryan Fuller and letting him do his thing, and Believe seems to have a lot going for it.

I actually wouldn't mind some more feature rich commenting even if it does mean writing in HTML. Image embedding would be nice to have.

"Teraflops of data"

The three leads pretty much carried Fringe through the first season that was just okay at best.

I know he's held in high regard by Baltimoreans and that his films have their own little cult following they've never really worked for me.

There are many programmers/coders/computer scientists who are beautiful and well dressed women. I don't think anyone would have as much of a problem with her if they just said she was a CS grad student at Stanford/MIT/Caltech.

1. ()
2. Takk
3. Ágætis byrjunI haven't listened enough to the ones besides three to rank them, and even these three are so damn good that they frequently switch their spots.

Establishing shot was Northwestern.

Funny tech related thing for this episode: BitBucket is also the name of a popular git based project management service. It lets you make private repos for free and my time relied heavily on it during our school hackathon.

As someone who currently lives here and has grown to love it in its own way, I'm glad to finally see some Baltimore based pop culture that isn't The Wire. Will definitely check this out.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus Hey now, I live in Baltimore. It's not so bad, even if I do plan on leaving as soon as school is over.

You're not alone. She really came into her own during the torture scene last season and now she's just so much fun to watch.