
I'm in exactly the same boat. I'd heard about the show enough to click on the review for the finale, then read the first lines and found myself watching the premiere on Netflix.

The problem is that I need to enroll in the program just to test apps on my device.

It's EXIF data. Fairly straight forward to turn off, but you're right having it on by default is wrong.

NOOO. Please tell me that you're at least not on IE6

A second reason to hide a bunch of inside sidebars and menubars behind one click is that it makes much easier to keep the same interface when the site is scaled down to mobile sizes. 


The key is building a relationship with the butcher. Once that happens, you start getting all these nice cuts. It's pretty great.

I'm an Android developer who thought about learning iOS development but then Apple had the audacity to ask me to pay to make apps for their store.

Just one more to go.

@avclub-ba9fab001f67381e56e410575874d967:disqus The interesting thing about how gmail works is that even if you had included the periods, it still would have reached idiotking.

I applied to a big tech consulting firm for an entry level position in the federal practice.

Couldn't agree more. The lone wolf warrior trope is getting very tiring in television In reality elite soldiers have training regimens that are explicitly engineered to remove any kind of behavior that might cause team friction. In fact adaptability to team needs is probably the most critical element of their job


I'm a biomedical engineering undergrad so I've encountered Aled Edwards before in an academic setting but I had no idea he'd consulted for a television show.

It's really strange. The kind of person operating in his capacity would most likely be a grizzled spec ops type. But that doesn't make for good TV when Melinda May already exists and because a spec ops type would be cold and efficient and never clash with the techs.

Unfortunately that day is a long way off at best.

Oh gosh, that scene had me cringing. I don't if she is a good actress otherwise, but that was pretty bad.

The tech speak is really problematic.

I always got the impression that Walt was the technical co-founder of their company from the technical side who never formalized his role and got screwed over by Gretchen/Elliot.

This is exactly what I needed halfway through my all nighter. Thanks for posting this.