
I'd much rather have Blue and Red Olivia teaming up.

No, they definitely muddied up the final version compared to the single videos that have been up on YouTube.

I have listened to ZVVL more times than I'm proud of. That song is perfect. Martin's voice gets a lot of criticism on the internet, but I really enjoyed the contrast he brought to the Recover EP and hope they explore that more in the future.

My favorite of the new songs has to be Lungs. It's a much more restrained song compared to everything else on the album, and they sprinkle bits of Lauren's vocals with some heavy digital processing throughout the song to great effect.

It's up on NPR now.

I hadn't heard of it either. This makes me very happy because it means that despite being a college student with a pretty active social life I've managed to cut out top 40s music exposure entirely.


These guys have gotten really good at DRM. To be honest, if you built a sandboxed app for web and mobile, it'd be really to hard to get anything out of it.

What's interesting is that it's probably cheaper to just have a network connected printer installed in the places you most commonly messenger.


Of course this happens when I'm back in Baltimore for school.

They're unbelievably frustrating.

I'm really worried about the BvB game. That team is scary.

You take what negative things you said about Schmidt right now goddamit.

@avclub-9ce04591654645426079a7c2faa385e4:disqus I think there's a meaningful distinction to be made between middle class issues being heavily referenced in the media, and actual middle class people making it into public office.

That's not very fair to Dikachu. While it's easy to get the impression that he just goes around disagreeing with everyone due to his name and choice of profile picture, he usually tries to promote a meaningful discussion and in most cases agrees with most of us here.

Given that she plays up the character she's typecast in her appearances on talk shows, I don't think she wants to break out of that role. She seems to be pleased to occupy it.

That was Aubrey Plaza? I had no idea. This is fantastic news.

Oh man, now that I think about it a Ship-O-Meter for Farscape sounds perfect.

So there is a redesign in work? Because it's sorely necessary. I was kind of surprised to discover that AVClub still redirects to a mobile site instead of just responsively scaling down the desktop site.