
I'm kind of glad they took a while to get that up, because it gives people time to actually compose something meaningful instead of gut reactions.

Andre is a guy who thought it was a good idea to bring a guy's elementary school going daughter into a sex joke. He's obnoxious and intensely demanding, has horrible fashion sense and no social intuition whatsoever.

I honestly have no idea when Strike Back airs. I just wait for the AVClub review show up after which I promptly watch it.

I don't understand the appeal of Comedy Bang Bang.

@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus I am simultaneously pleased and disgusted at that reference.

Sorry yeah, I meant The Grandmaster. Really excited for it. In the Mood for Love is probably my favorite movie.

I agree with this very strongly.

Completely ignored: Upstream Color
Might get some buzz: Le Passe
Might actually have a shot because Cuaron: Gravity

Which is what makes this so ridiculous. They're pretty much equally as good in terms of the brand and quality of education. The entirety of Rachel's professional network is New York, as is the firm she currently works for. She presumably wants to practice law in New York as well. On top of all of this, her character


Fair enough. I watched about ten or so episodes of it, primarily for Ginnifer Goodwin, but couldn't keep going. Watching with friends is a perfectly good reason however to continue watching.

It might be time reconsider your choice to continue viewing Once Upon a Time.

My IMAX ticket might as well be pre-ordered.

I'm trying to imagine how bad must the situation in the writers room have been for that scene to make it on to the final script.

I'm a steadfastly anti-denim person - it's all about chinos and wool for me - but Goggins and Olyphant have me considering picking up a raw selvedge pair.

I don't know about that. He's involved in prostitution and drug dealing. That's villain territory to me.

I had not known that former Homeland people are writing for this show. This makes me worried for its future.


Oh boy. I didn't know we had one of your types around, but it's inevitable in a community of this size I suppose.

NY might actually be a pretty decent city to be a celebrity in because most people give so few craps about that sort of thing.