
This is missing:

Ruth Wilson is the best. Also, Alice's lips are always doing this slight smirk thing, and she's a total psychopath yet I'm totally attracted to her. This makes no sense.

Pacemakers are actually incredibly vulnerable to manipulation if someone gets hold of the physical security component - which Brody in fact did.

I really regret clicking that link.

I, uh, may have barreled through the entire first season since posting that comment.

Yes, that is such a badass scene.

That cast was unbelievably gorgeous.

You know, I'm not gonna lie all of Hannibal's meals have looked delicious.

From my limited exposure, the show draws heavily from Judeo-Christian beliefs and the various folklore created by the cultures that practice said beliefs. The idea of demons rising from the ground at a point in time, the use of various Christian implements as protection against said demons, and perhaps most

I'm trying get a startup off the ground in time for me graduating next year so that thankfully eats up a lot of my time. 

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of oversized crosses and stakes and vampires in general really. I guess it's not my kind of show.

All the love for Buffy here and in other forums made me want to try it, but I talked myself through the first four episodes before I just hit a wall and asked myself if I wanted to make the investment.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus Ugh, my best friend IRL will make puns like that at every opportunity, complete with the explaining the pun part. I think about 25% of all our instant messaging involves him making a really bad pun, and me telling exactly why it's so bad.

@avclub-153f08f81bce94a093b6f55f77fded4f:disqus That's actually a really good idea. AVClub staff, take note.


@avclub-153f08f81bce94a093b6f55f77fded4f:disqus When I first started watching Fringe, I was disappointed that they'd casted yet another bland-looking tall blond woman with wooden acting.

This is the only correct answer.

Where's K. Thrace when you need her?

@avclub-153f08f81bce94a093b6f55f77fded4f:disqus  is listing characters from Battlestar Galactica. You "like" the comment that features the character you found most attractive.

Oh gosh.