
Despite lot of people here speculating that it was that other teacher Marco's wife got involved with, I had completely dismissed that as a possibility.

I'm so glad more people are taking note of Whitaker. She really is fantastic in this show and while Coleman and Tenant both deserve all the love for their performances, I think Whitaker has earned just as much if not better.

The impression I've gotten from all of the responses is that Scandinavian version focuses less on world building and more on the leads.

Every scene with Harold was amazing. They ran into cliche territory when he was asked whether Louis loved Bruno, but recovered immediately by having Rachel tell him he was under oath.

@avclub-6ee934260c80f2e2f9098dcd3e44c032:disqus I'm glad I'm not alone in finding the tone of The Dissolve uninviting. I'd initially chalked it up to growing pains, but it really is a little too self serious.

I'm disappointed too. She was absolutely fantastic in Luther, but initial reports of this show (cast excepted) don't have me very hopeful.

I've been wondering how much people have been able to add The Dissolve into their rotation. I've found that my web habits are pretty heavily ingrained and so The AVClub remains my primary film site.

Peter Bishop contributed in no small part to me introducing a peacoat into my winter outerwear rotation. The wardrobe people on Fringe did a fantastic job on him. 
As J.Crew's look has mainstreamed, I've found myself drifting away from it a little. There are other brands that do the "bastardization of Americana with

Given the final Bunheads video that got released yesterday, I think we all need one last grieving thread.

Rubicon :(

You're making me miss her all over again.

So much pain.

As someone who's not the biggest fan of Gilmore Girls, I wanted to add that it's sufficiently different from Gilmore Girls that if you didn't like that show it shouldn't be a problem.

Sour is definitely a flavor that can develop in poorly made coffee. It's most easily induced when icing it at the wrong temperature, but there are any number of brewing mistakes one could make that would make coffee sour.

Really? There's a very vocal fanbase talking about all three.

Guys, this is a troll account. A brief selection of his comments:

Innings. I think you mean an innings.

Have you seen Justified?

You may be right. I do still believe however that the reason boring, bald fat man got laid was because he just happened to be around and not because she's her type.

Dying urban setting is probably the wrong word. Many parts of Baltimore documented in The Wire are arguable similar to Detroit, but I agree that LA isn't like that at all.