
@avclub-40b2517e9c2670ea80e4188053ad91d2:disqus Friends from school who'd watched the show said similar things. I'll give it a try if I ever have time. Given that I'm trying to add more film into my viewing schedule I'm not entirely sure when that'll happen.

I've never gotten around to watching it. I keep meaning to, but I've made peace with the fact that there's so much good TV right now that I won't be able to keep up with all of it.

The white girl dating the black guy doesn't seem to really be an issue here. The problematic aspect of that relationship that the show is trying to portray is that the girl is underage and much younger than her boyfriend.

I watch it every time. It's so beautiful. I'm also really enjoying being back with a show in Texas for the first time since Friday Night Lights. 

I had no idea that it wasn't filmed in LA. I just assumed that any American show set near Hollywood would be filmed there, but clearly I was incorrect.

I think Hannibal stole that award from Breaking Bad and Mad Men with its debut season. The cinematography on that show is unbelievable.

He wears rather dumpy clothes that hide his body, as I imagine is befitting a police officer of the Chihuahua State Police, so I thought it was a touch unrealistic that his wife would be so unbelievably attractive.

I think that like Justified this show is going to take a bit of time to settle in. But once the people in the El Paso PD start feeling like a dysfunctional family, it's going to get really good.

I'm glad so many people noticed this. It's such a clever take. I love when directors throw in little things like that.

It's exactly what I was hoping it would become after watching the pilot, and now I'm so glad that it has.

The way they handled Terriers is actually why I've grown to love the network so much. Instead of letting the fans and critics speculate over what caused it's demise, Landgraf called a press conference and detailed his research efforts to see if there was a problem with the branding/marketing strategy. At the of the

Their in house design team is pretty top notch. I don't watch the shows on actual cable but I catch their promos on YouTube from time to time and they have their design stuff down pretty well.

I usually like to give shows time before saying how bad they are, but the Low Winter Sun pilot left a really bad taste in my mouth. If AMC had simply tried something new and failed, I'd still be in favor of giving it more time.

Oh yes. The new family of FX networks falls right into my television viewing sweet spot which makes sense since I'm squarely in their target demographic as a 20 year old college going male.

The thing about Detroit is that a morality based crime show in a dying urban setting has been not once but twice. One of them is quite possibly the greatest television show of all time, the other is the landmark show that catapulted FX into serious television.

Oh gosh, FX comedies are so good. I thought about including them but unlike the dramas where I can make some guess at a strategy, the comedies are so diverse I have no idea how they landed on them.

Question for people who've seen the Scandinavian version of the show.

I haven't watched this specific episode, but at the half hearted urging of some of you a few episodes back, I'm all caught up and really like it.

I love the shots in the Lattimer house. Aside from the closeups, every thing is filmed to convey the intrusion into their lives. The camera will sit on the edges of doorways or just near the corner of a wall. We're forcing our way into this home and peeking through their windows. It makes me a little uncomfortable and

I'm always caught off guard because I recognize so many of the songs but I'm terrible at recognizing them when they're played in the show. Then it ratchets around in my brain a little and I realize what a cool pick it was.