

I was a huge fan growing fan growing up. If I'd started with any of the other characters besides Tobias, I probably would've just read one book and left it at that but preteen me found his story incredibly compelling.

The shows treatment of women has grown increasingly problematic. Most frustrating is the deterioration of Donna and Rachel who've gone from work friends to tittering schoolgirls.

Yes, absolutely.

There isn't really Eid candy, but there are traditional sweet dishes prepared. For South Asians , it usually involves vermicelli of some kind.

Ugh, I want some nihari now. Our family usually does nihari for Eid al Adha, but I'm craving some right now. I'll ask my mom.

Oh that sounds nicely relevant given current circumstances. I'll still probably check it out. To be honest, I hate not being able to discuss something as engaging as Black Mirror here hence my putting off watching it. I'll probably get around to series 2 when I'm back at college and have friends to watch and talk

I have indeed watched Top of the Lake and The Fall already. Both of those had respected actors from American television to drive my interest -  TotL is probably what whetted my appetite for moody stripped down dramas along the lines of Broadchurch.
I've added all of these to my list of things to watch over the next few

I'm on board. I plan on mainlining these five episodes over the weekend. See you guys next week.

Any other British TV I should be checking out? I've already burned through all of Black Mirror as well.

Oh dear. I'll fix that.

Another show that takes advantage of the beautiful British countryside is Utopia, from Channel 4. It's also an excellent show and in the words of @avclub-8bfa0025c9721437f95345295a6746b3:disqus "it's tailor made for the AVClub" which I couldn't agree  with more.

Someone else who's seen Black Mirror. Yay.

It's supposed to be delicious. Given the diligence with which Gus Fring ran all of his business operations, I wouldn't expect anything but excellent chicken.

Time to get on board this on then? I asked a few weeks back, and you guys concluded that it wasn't essential viewing by may be this episode changed your minds.

I'm a little bit in love with ITV's offerings. 

Like a lot of people here I've exhausted much of American television as well as BBC's popular offerings in the form of Sherlock and Doctor Who, so after prompting from the TVClub Inventory of foreign shows I burned through the first series of both Black Mirror and Utopia.


Amazon Prime descriptions are also egregious offenders. The people in charge of episode titles at the streaming services need to get their act together.

I actually got a little teary reading Brandt's interview here. It's so nice to know that all of the actors love the show so much and respect the opportunity they've been given.

This is absolutely amazing. It's almost criminal that you didn't link to this because anyone hasn't seen this is missing out.

I found the whole situation deeply problematic. They tried to brush it off as witty banter and it did not work at all.