
Every time I see someone doing TUSK!, I think to myself that there's no way this is going to be fun the next time.

For low tech, classic field work look no further than The Americans on FX. It's set in the Cold War, in America and it's absolutely delightful to watch in an age where people on television press a few buttons and break into encrypted security networks.

As do I. After the excellent season one ended, I went around recommending it to all of my friends only to have the bottom drop out in the second season.

The first time I tried watching Firefly, I had exactly the same reaction. It came heavily recommended by obsessive fans. 10 seconds into  the title sequence I gave up. I ended up returning to it and loving it a few months when I decided to give it another shot, but that title sequence may have contributed

I'd be inclined to agree. Farscape strikes me as exactly the kind of show that would benefit from a cult internet following, but unfortunately it predated the "television viewers congregate on the internet" era.

Not even for Rectify and Top of the Lake?

I've wondered why Farscape doesn't get as much as Firefly and the like and I think it's mostly because of how truly weird the first 5 or 6 episodes are. It's a very unsettling start because it's so radically different from other science fiction television and most people just don't have the patience to go through the

Science fiction television, I feel is particularly notorious in this regard. Horrible, life-changing things will happen in one episode and there'll be virtually no impact on the next.

I find Katrine more attractive. This new girlfriend is just so wispy.

I really like Laugesen.

Ugh, I feel stupid. It's only been a month since I watched the series too. Corrected above.

True. I know you get a lot of hate around here, but this place is frequently an echo chamber so I somewhat appreciate a strongly contrarian voice in the comments section even if it is somewhat crude and frequently incoherent.

I think you're underestimating what kind of toll that lifestyle can take on really ambitious people. I can see how one would agree to it at the outset, but once the demands on personal life keep coming feel unable to go through with it.

I haven't to *ahem* acquire season three for lack of a decent high definition source. Any chance you could point me to one?

Hey, Lupin. Were you the person I had a conversation with about buying a Global G-2 on a Hannibal thread?

Any historical disdain for monarchy has been completely over written by America's love for celebrity.

This is just lazy.

I was shocked when I heard that they'd cancelled the show. Based on their track record with Mad Men and Breaking Bad I thought they were on their way to add a third great show to their roster.

You think the cow creamer is talking to you?

I didn't know that he was always so intense. He takes his craft very seriously.