
As a fan of stripped down moody horror films, I'm really looking forward to A Field in England.

Ah, in that case I must withdraw my earlier remarks. It was ignorant of me to comment without actually having watched the movie itself. I guess I'm generally frustrated with other installments of the genre where the protagonist is portrayed as poor person barely getting by while actually having money to afford regular

All of the descriptions of Frances Ha suggest it's the typical exploration of post college aimlessness with a character who's somehow able to impulsively travel to France for a couple of days.

I was one of those people who avoided Drive because the trailer made it seem like a stereotypical action movie. I also had no idea who Refn was, so I had no reference to suggest otherwise.

I'm thinking about diving into the trilogy, but I can't decide if I want to be an idiot and somewhat mimic the the time between the movies by taking a few months/years between them or just shotgunning all three in one go.

I wasn't able to catch this in theatres, so I'm eagerly awaiting its release on the 29th. A lot of people have been gushing about this.

He's so diversely talented,  I feel like I'm failing at life in comparison. In addition to directing, acting, scoring, editing and distributing Upstream Color he had also learned enough code to do the special effects of his cancelled project A Topiary.

On the other hand, he went to Sundance with Primer expecting nothing and came out with the Grand Jury Prize.

Does Le Passe have a confirmed US release date yet?

I wasn't actually watching but had a friend live tweeting. As the wickets dropped I thought he was screwing with me. 
But really, wtf.

I like this idea. Monday's are good.

I'd totally forgotten I was watching with the Canadians. I totally lose track of my shows if they're not being reviewed here or I'm not shotgunning them.

I have all of these trips bookmarked in my "Do if company gets acquired" folder. We should travel together. 

First class rail travel is really something. I was able to experience it in South Asia, and it managed to create an incredible atmosphere of British colonialism. Turbaned staff serving food, beautiful countryside rushing by.

Midnight blue has become by far my favorite tux color. I wasn't really big on it at first, but it's come to grow on me. It's different without being too out there.

I'm trying to imagine how large the and had to be that you were able to pick it's legs out of your teeth.


As a New Yorker, I've just given up on feeling bad about my rent anymore.

This is the first I'm hearing of this. I blame you for the however many extra hundred calories this is going to result in.

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus I don't know what's going on with her lips and it looks like she's smirking all the time but I enjoy looking at them.