
Yeah; I guess we are supposed to accept it at face value that Miles was indeed about to martyr himself.

The dialogue has improved a lot. It's no longer barely utilitarian; there are flourishes of character-revealing flair. (And sometimes merely [non-specific] awesomeness.)

I had an inkling that Miles's initial plan (before he had to improvise owing to the wife's suicide) was to lure the gang leader inside [by craftily appearing reluctant to allow him in] and then kill him, thereby assuming leadership of the war gang (in the style of, say, "The Postman).

And if you get crabs, #blamethecoconuts.

And Tailor of Panama too, despite being totally the wrong body type for the role.

Best way to lure him?

A foot massager?

Odds of him being Australian are high.

In a way, this new Remington Steele might be a good way to (stealthily) remake Moonlighting without the pressure of expectations.

And then your but got bigger!