
so . . . much
there's just so so so much title for that movie. so so so much.

I guess that when you said "the story trots along for nearly 400 pages, then just comes to an end, as though Clinch simply threw up his hands and said, 'That's enough story for now!'" I assumed you must not have liked the ending much or must have missed out on what happened. Did I misread something?

I was too terrified to the gentlemen to worry about joyce. (does this make me a bad tv watcher? maybe.)

closer reading, maybe?
I don't know about this . . . every now and then, an AV club review seems like it's being contrary for the fun of it. I *just* finished reading this, and I found the end so overwhelmingly, heartbreakingly perfect — everything's tied up, just not the way you might hope. No character sits down