I can't believe no one's commented on the fact that Brad the Piano Guy is splitting his time between Paradise, CA and Lima, OH. Pop culture in-joke of the night!
I can't believe no one's commented on the fact that Brad the Piano Guy is splitting his time between Paradise, CA and Lima, OH. Pop culture in-joke of the night!
ASP mentioned in a recent interview that she wanted to use the Bjork version, but she didn't give them permission, so the show had to use a cover.
Exactly! How can you dispense with "the secret of the ooze" when it was a sequel subtitle? It's like ignoring "Dark of the Moon" and just calling Transformers 3. Sacrilege!
I saw a dude on the street who looked just like Magnitude yesterday, and I quietly said to myself "Pop, pop!"
Yeah, Cameron would have been by far the best addition to the show, if he could have kept it together.
If you really liked this article, you'd shell out for the collector's edition with all the early drafts. If you can see the changes he made, you'll understand it on a much deeper level.
Interesting points JAN, thanks for sharing. Now back to the original purpose of this thread: demanding it get added to the TV Club lineup. I also want more Amazing Race coverage!
I agree, Jeff, Lester and the whole Buy More crew were an integral part to the first few seasons, but I feel like they're mostly shoe-horned in at the this point. I'd be fine to lose them entirely, but logically, that means we'd have to lose Ellie and Awesome too and I'd be okay with out Ellie, but Awesome is well…
I am confused. It seems like the writers are trying to convince us that Chang is beyond wacky, that he has multiple personality disorder. Is anyone else getting this vibe?
Was anybody else bothered by the fact that Lily is pretty clearly not old enough/ready for preschool? I was waiting for them to be rejected because she's not potty-trained. Pitch me this plotline in a year.
I have to disagree with the people who feel like the show was taking sides. By the end of the hour, everyone had decided to accept each other and agree to disagree. I felt like the lesson of the show was that you can be an atheist and accept that other people have beliefs that you disagree with and you can be a…
Can they move it to FX? Critically acclaimed drama with a small audience—sounds like a perfect fit.
Heather Morris' dancing was amazing. That was the main thing that made the episode worthwhile for me. I was watching her and thinking how much better she is at dancing than the real Britney Spears—it was kind of a shame that they did shot for shot remakes because of all the time spent writhing around against a…
The video blog was apparently taken down from it's second location, but someone posted a detailed recap: http://ginacarbone.wordpres…
As a woman who's been married for 4 years and been with that person for 11 years total, I have to say that I don't think being married has anything to do with whether you perceive the joke to be funny or not. Implied spousal rape is just plain distasteful. They could have included some throwaway line about how the…
He absolutely deserved the dark horse Emmy he won for "Damages".
Really? I thought it was some sort of weird brand/intentional scarring type of body art.
The Emmys just need to make some sort of rule where if you won last year for the same role, you can be nominated but can't win the next year. Then it wouldn't be so freaking boring every year. I may be one of the only people on this board that actually likes The Closer, but I was happy to see Kyra Sedgewick win, if…
I think I must be crazy because I would buy that book. The A.V. Club articles are great, but the comments often just as interesting and far more hilarious. Your riffs are amazing folks.
If anyone deserved to be punched or slapped it was Kevin. His behavior went way too far over the line to be tolerated by either a woman or her spouse.