
On the email from John: somebody is using his account, or just makes it look like it came from his account - I get spam that looks like it's from my own work address every day. You would think it'd be easy enough for the FBI to check into it. The 2nd email was remotely creepy, but, the basement is probably bugged.

Clinic Hours
So after not seeing House in the clinic doing quick/comical diagnosis for some time, we were given a whole extended episode based off of a clinic patient! It was a nice gesture, but poorly executed.

That's kind of the point, I would think. It's the absurdity of the situation that show's Chuck's desperation to find out more about her past.

Not for nothing, but there were three, there could just as easily be one.
Dwight making the rounds in this episode reminded me of the unsolved murder of Chuck. Dwight didn't do it, cuz he's already seen Chuck. Did Ned's dad do it?

So, take the whole "high-five by proxy" thing one step further?

Mouth-breathing lemon pucker furrowed brow face
I don't know if it was on purpose or not (part of The Pattern?!) but the writers seemed to be playing to our wooden agents, er, strengths by giving her plenty of reasons to look sour and frowny.

It seems also that with happy Wilson you also get a more upbeat House. The donut, the shared joke with Foreman, and the slightly goofy hop & stance when he starts to follow 13 out the door. Offset the more dire aspects of 13 & her hookup nicely.

Service Pack 1
I like the tension created by Chuck's need to maintain the status quo. By eliminating himself as the Intercept, he's dead. By failing one of the missions, there's a very good chance he's dead. It's a "Will he be killed or not this week?"

Did I hear this right…
So regarding how Lilly & Vivian are related to Chuck…

Random Thoughts
Is this episode a good example of how every episode of Lost is?

Major Malfunction
I hope they have some serious flashing back with House and his dad next episode - just because I enjoy Gunny.

good times
This episode had some great lines

Go back…don't open safe
I haven't followed this show and have wandered off on both episodes this season, so I need some help with a "plot" point:

Yeah; what he said
I did not watch the two-hour pilot. I watched the "pre-release" of this on Tivo, I wanted to see the trainwreck in motion. I clicked on this article because I had to know WHY anyone at AVClub was reviewing it and what was said.

I agree with the fact it's being done on purpose so people will notice. The FBI may not have flashythinged anyone, but they are obviously covering it up or you would think a news source would have picked up on it (the weird aspects of events) if it's been going on for 9 months.

Steak Burger
I liked the suspense setup with Sam/Roy/Mr. Potato Head as he relayed the information.

Riley IS from the future, in fact, she's the baby of the pregnant land lady.

O Charley
After last episode, this one really calmed down and followed a nice, simple main plot - good for those writers. After giving us crap on a stick, this gray matter came across steak burger.

In the background
I was expecting Foreman to take a more predominant role with House being absent. For being "House Lite" he didn't do much of anything except nod for 13 to begin treatment. How does Kutner get called out for sounding like house, but the character who is supposedly the most like House just stands in